Monday, April 26, 2010

I've made a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30...on that list is running a 5k.

To a lot of people, a 5k sounds like child's play, easy peasy lemon squeezy...not to me. I'm not a all. But, I've been following the "couch to 5k" training program...and, I may be slow...but, i'm doing this, america! I'm up to jogging for 25 minutes! This is a small miracle seeing as running for 1 minute intervals during the first week of training was difficult for me!

It's been so interesting to me how looking at something I have to accomplish 2 or 3 weeks out looks IMPOSSIBLE, sometimes I wasn't even sure if I could do what I needed to do for that day! BUT, if I just do it...somehow...I finish. The program has been preparing me for where I need to be...I've learned to trust the plan's faith in me more than I trust my ability. The curiosity of "what if I quit in 5 more minutes instead of right now" gets me 5 minutes farther and then I can ask the question again...and then suddenly I'm done! Keep in mind...again...that I am super slow. I am not impressive at all in my ability to run...and yet...I am in fact impressing myself. I'm so damn impressed with myself for running for 25 minutes without stopping!

Something else I've learned along the way...smelling a low hanging branch of lilacs while running = getting slapped in the face by a tree...I guess the STOP in "stop and smell the roses" should be applied to all flowers...leason learned.